Setup Change Log
Setup Change Log
- Version Control System (Git) and a Issue Tracker (JIRA).
- Create a JIRA issue for every change, regardless of whether it's a feature or a fix, and reference the ID in the Git commit message.
- Align your JIRA projects with your version control repositories, so that each repo has its own JIRA project and its own set of JIRA fix versions.
- Align the repositories with your managed packages or with your implementation customers.
- Ideally, merge new work into an integration branch (such as "stage", "staging", or "develop"), and then into a master or version branch.
- During development, preface each commit message with the JIRA ID.
- "ABC-123 Stub out the controller component"
- If there are multiple commits for one issue, to simplify the audit trail, ideally, when merging into the default branch, squash the commits into a single entry.
For each major release series
- In Confluence, create a blank page in the Designated Workspace for the version, and add the JIRA Issues Macro.
- For the macro's filter, select the version tag:
- fixVersion in ("ABC 12.0.0") order by Key
- Under Display Options, select Table and the columns you'd like to show.
- For example: Key, Summary, Description.
- If your Description field isn't the best fit for a change log, try to add a new field to JIRA, such as "Change Log Entry".
- For example: Key, Summary, Description.
For each new version
- Copy the macro setup from the prior version, and adjust the macro filter.
Please submit feedback to the DreamOps Success Group http://dreamops.org/group.